Foreign Exchange (FX) made easy with QTC

Knowing when public holidays occur helps in planning important international payments to suppliers, clients, or staff overseas. Avoid attempting to make FX payments on public holidays with this ready-reference guide for currencies available via the QTC FX Dealing Desk and QTC FX online platform powered by NAB.

With this international public holiday calendar you can see at a glance when the currency is trading and will be open for settlements. International payments often cannot be settled if there is a public holiday in the recipient country or if there is a holiday in the United States, so reference to the calendar can help avoid delays and double handling.

Plan your payments

3 Jan, 26 Jan, 15-16 Apr, 18 Apr, 25 Apr, 13 Jun, 1 Aug, 3 Oct, 26–27 Dec

3 Jan, 21 Feb, 15 Apr, 23 May, 1 Jul, 1 Aug, 5 Sep, 30 Sep, 10 Oct, 11 Nov, 26–27 Dec

1 Jan, 15-17 Apr, 1 May, 21 May, 27 Jun, 16 Jul, 15 Aug, 18–19 Sep, 10 Oct, 31 Oct, 1 Nov, 8 Dec, 25 Dec

1–3 Jan, 31 Jan, 1–6 Feb, 3–5 Apr, 30 Apr, 1–4 May, 3–5 Jun, 10–12 Sep, 1–7 Oct

1 Jan, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 1 May, 8 May, 5–6 Jul, 28 Sep, 28 Oct, 17 Nov, 24–26 Dec

1 Jan, 14-15 Apr, 18 Apr, 13 May, 26-27 May, 6 Jun, 25–26 Dec

1 Jan, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 1 May, 25–26 Dec

3 Jan, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 7 Sep, 7 Oct, 10 Oct, 25 Oct, 26–27 Dec

1 Jan, 1–3 Feb, 5 Apr, 15-16 Apr, 18 Apr, 2 May, 9 May, 3 Jun, 1 Jul, 12 Sep, 1 Oct, 4 Oct, 26-27 Dec

1 Jan, 15 Mar, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 1 May, 6 Jun, 20 Aug, 23 Oct, 1 Nov, 24–26 Dec

26 Jan, 1 Mar, 18 Mar, 14–15 Apr, 1 May, 3 May, 16 May, 10 Jul, 9 Aug, 15 Aug, 19 Aug, 2 Oct, 5 Oct, 9 Oct, 24 Oct, 8 Nov, 25 Dec

1 Jan, 1 Feb, 28 Feb, 3 Mar, 15 Apr, 1-3 May, 16 May, 26 May, 1 Jun, 9 Jul, 30 Jul, 17 Aug, 8 Oct, 25 Dec

17 – 18 Mar, 15 Apr, 22 Apr, 5 May, 5 Jun, 7 Aug, 26-27 Sep, 4-5 Oct, 10 Oct, 17 Oct

1–3 Jan, 10 Jan, 11 Feb, 23 Feb, 21 Mar, 29 Apr, 3–5 May, 18 Jul, 11 Aug, 19 Sep, 23 Sep, 10 Oct, 3 Nov, 23 Nov, 31 Dec

1 Jan, 18 Jan, 1-2 Feb, 19 Apr, 2-4 May, 16 May, 6 Jun, 10-11 Jul, 30 Jul, 31 Aug, 16 Sep, 10 Oct, 24 Oct, 26 Dec

1 Jan, 7 Feb, 21 Mar, 14-15 Apr, 1 May, 16 Sep, 2 Nov, 21 Nov, 12 Dec, 25 Dec

1 Jan, 22 Jan, 31 Jan, 1-4 Feb, 28 Feb, 4-5 Apr, 1-2 May, 3 Jun, 9-10 Sep, 10 Oct

3-4 Jan, 24 Jan, 31 Jan, 7 Feb, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 25 Apr, 6 Jun, 24 Jun, 24 Oct, 26–27 Dec

1 Jan, 14-15 Apr, 18 Apr, 1 May, 17 May, 26 May, 6 Jun, 24–26 Dec

1 Jan, 5 Feb, 23 Mar, 3 Apr, 1-3 May, 1 Jul, 9-10 Jul, 8-9 Aug, 14 Aug, 8 Oct, 25 Dec

1 Jan, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 13 Jun, 23 Jul, 26 Aug, 16 Sep, 26–27 Dec

1 Jan, 1 Feb, 25 Feb, 9 Apr, 14-16 Apr, 1 May, 12 Jun, 21 Aug, 29 Aug, 1 Nov, 30 Nov, 8 Dec, 25 Dec, 30 Dec

1 Jan, 6 Jan, 18 Apr, 1 May, 3 May, 16 Jun, 15 Aug, 1 Nov, 11 Nov, 25–26 Dec

2-5 May, 10–13 Jul, 23 Sep

1 Jan, 1-2 Feb, 15 Apr, 1-3 May, 16 May, 11 Jul, 9 Aug, 24 Oct, 25-26 Dec

1 Jan, 21 Mar, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 27 Apr, 2 May, 16 Jun, 9 Aug, 24 Sep, 16 Dec, 25-26 Dec

1 Jan, 31 Jan, 1-2 Feb, 1 Mar, 9 Mar, 1 May, 5 May, 8 May, 1 Jun, 6 Jun, 15 Aug, 9-12 Sep, 3 Oct, 9 Oct, 10 Oct, 25 Dec, 30 Dec

14 Jan, 17 Jan, 4 Feb, 16 Feb, 1 Mar, 17 Mar, 13-16 Apr, 1 May, 3 May, 15-16 May, 14 Jun, 10 Jul, 13 Jul, 11 Aug, 10 Sep, 9 Oct, 24 Oct, 7 Nov, 7 Dec, 25 Dec

1 Jan, 6 Jan, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 1 May, 26 May, 6 Jun, 24 Jun, 24–26 Dec, 31 Dec

2 Jan, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 1 May, 26 May, 6 Jun, 1 Aug, 26 Dec

3 Jan, 16 Feb, 6 Apr, 13–15 Apr, 2 May, 4 May, 16 May, 3 Jun, 13 Jul, 28-29 Jul, 12 Aug, 13-14 Oct, 24 Oct, 5 Dec, 12 Dec, 31 Dec

3 Jan, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 2 May, 2-3 Jun, 29 Aug, 26-27 Dec

1 Jan, 2-5 May, 8-11 Jul, 30 Jul, 8 Oct, 1–3 Dec

1 Jan, 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 15 Apr, 30 May, 19-20 Jun, 4 Jul, 5 Sep, 10 Oct, 11 Nov, 24 Nov, 25-26 Dec

1 Jan, 21 Feb, 5 Mar, 15 Apr, 18 Apr, 2 May, 26 May, 25 Jul, 30 Jul, 15 Aug, 5 Oct, 29 Nov, 26-27 Dec

1 Jan, 3 Jan, 15-16 Apr, 18 Apr, 9 May, 1 Jun, 15 Aug, 10 Oct, 26–27 Dec

Sourced: Bloomberg.
This QTC FX Public Holiday calendar is provided by QTC in good faith based on information available at the time of its preparation and on the basis of information supplied to QTC by third parties. QTC has not independently verified the information supplied to it. QTC is under no obligation or duty to notify anyone if there is any change in any information or any new information.
Neither QTC nor any of its employees or agents accepts any liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of that person or any other person placing any reliance on, or acting on the basis of, the contents of this information. To the extent permitted by law, QTC expressly excludes any representation or warranty in relation to the accuracy, currency and completeness of the information.
© Queensland Treasury Corporation 2022.